Members Publications
Gareth Barker
Elizabeth Barton (Anthology Editor/Stanza rep)
Sue Beckwith
Mark Boor (Publicity)
Denise Bundred
Tony Earnshaw (Chair)
Paul Fallon
Sue Lewis
Richard Lister
A A Marcoff
Helen Overell (Secretary/Treasurer)
Judith Packer
Heather Shakespeare (Membership Secretary)
Adam Smith
Susan Thomas
Rosemary Wagner
Pauline Watson
Diana Webb
Hidden Light, 2024
Down to Earth, 2023
Memory, 2022
Home, 2021
Even in the Shadow, 2020
Christmas Anthology, 2019
Surrey Unearthed, 2018
Murmuration, 2016
Christmas Anthology, 2015
Along the Way, 2014
Seen but not heard, 2011
Games 2011
Home 2010
Light Shines Through, 2009
Work 2008
Anthology 2004
Raising The Roof, 2003
Stolen Moments, 2002
Amnesty International's 40th Anniversary, 2001
Off The Wall, 2000
Long Overdue, 2000

In Memoriam

Sylvia Herbert, one of the founder members of Mole Valley Poets, whose death in April 2020 saddened us all. A faithful member of the group, always engaged and always encouraging, her contribution to the group was in the last few years marked by the honorific of Life President. She will be much missed.

Poems on the theme of "Work"
for National Poetry Day
Thursday, 9th October 2008
Poems on the theme of "Home"
for National Poetry Day
Thursday, 7th October 2010
Amnesty International's 40th Anniversary, 2001 Off The Wall, 2000 Raising The Roof, 2003 Long Overdue, 2000 Stolen Moments, 2002 Anthology 2004 Publications

Copyright for poems resides with authors.